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Open source software for creating directory websites for apps

List of self hosting software for listing, registry and directory for apps and websites

If you’re looking for open-source software to create directory websites specifically for apps, here are some options:

Free software for creating listing websites for apps


WordPress is a widely used open-source content management system (CMS) that can be customized to create directory websites. You can utilize themes and plugins, such as GeoDirectory or Business Directory Plugin, to build a directory website specifically for listing apps.


DirectoryHub is an open-source directory software built with Laravel PHP framework. It provides features for creating and managing directory websites, including categories, listings, search, and user reviews. You can customize it to focus on app listings.


JomDirectory is an open-source directory extension for Joomla CMS. It allows you to create directory websites for various purposes, including app listings. It offers features like categories, listings, search, user reviews, and ratings.

Open YS Directory:

Open YS Directory is an open-source PHP script for creating directories. It provides a customizable framework that can be tailored to create a directory website specifically for app listings.


Osclass is an open-source classifieds script that can be repurposed to create a directory website for apps. It offers features for categorizing listings, search functionality, and user management.


MyListing is an open-source directory and listing WordPress theme. It provides a customizable platform to create directory websites, including app listings. It offers features like categories, tags, search, user reviews, and map integration.

Open Classifieds:

Open Classifieds is an open-source classified ads software that can be adapted to create a directory website for apps. It provides features for categorizing listings, search, user reviews, and more.

Laravel Business Listings:

Laravel Business Listings is an open-source Laravel package that allows you to create business and directory websites. It can be customized to focus on app listings and offers features like categories, search, user reviews, and ratings.

Codiad Directory Plugin:

Codiad is an open-source web-based IDE (Integrated Development Environment). The Codiad Directory Plugin extends its functionality to create a directory website for apps. It offers features for categorizing, searching, and managing app listings.


PyroCMS is an open-source CMS built with PHP Laravel framework. It provides a flexible platform to create directory websites, including app listings. You can customize it to suit your specific requirements.


phplistings.com is a software platform designed to create and manage online directory websites. It offers a user-friendly interface and provides features for listing various types of businesses, services, or products. With customizable templates and search functionality, phplistings.com allows you to create a visually appealing and functional directory website.


Directorist is a powerful directory plugin for WordPress that enables you to build directory websites with ease. It offers customizable templates, advanced search functionality, user submissions, and monetization options. Directorist provides a comprehensive solution for creating and managing different types of directories, including app directories.


JomDirectory is a Joomla extension that allows you to create and manage directory websites. It provides a range of features such as customizable fields, categories, search functionality, and user submissions. JomDirectory is a versatile solution for building various types of directories, including app directories.


GeoDirectory is a comprehensive directory plugin for WordPress. It specializes in location-based directories and provides features like advanced search, map integration, user reviews, and ratings. GeoDirectory allows you to create directories that focus on apps, businesses, services, or any other type of listing.


SobiPro is a flexible directory component for Joomla that enables you to create and manage directories with ease. It offers customizable fields, categories, and user submissions. SobiPro provides a framework for building various types of directories, including app directories.


Connections is a directory plugin for WordPress that allows you to create and manage directories of any kind. It provides features such as customizable templates, user submissions, categories, and search functionality. Connections offers a user-friendly interface and extensive customization options.

Mosets Tree:

Mosets Tree is a Joomla extension that facilitates the creation and management of directories. It provides features like customizable fields, categories, and search functionality. Mosets Tree allows you to create organized and hierarchical directories suitable for a variety of purposes.

Classified Listing:

Classified Listing is a software solution that helps you build classified ad websites. It offers features for creating and managing listings, advanced search options, user submissions, and monetization options. Classified Listing provides a user-friendly interface for both website administrators and users.


DirectoryPlus is a directory theme for WordPress that allows you to create and customize directory websites. It offers features like customizable templates, search functionality, user reviews, and ratings. DirectoryPlus provides a visually appealing and responsive design for your directory website.

Business Directory Plugin:

Business Directory Plugin is a popular directory plugin for WordPress. It offers a wide range of features, including customizable templates, front-end submission, payment integration, and advanced search options. Business Directory Plugin provides a comprehensive solution for creating and managing business directories.

Sabai Directory Plugin:

Sabai Directory Plugin is a directory extension for WordPress that offers a range of features for building directory websites. It includes features like customizable templates, user reviews, ratings, advanced search functionality, and map integration. Sabai Directory Plugin provides a flexible and feature-rich solution for directory websites.

Link Directory Pro:

Link Directory Pro is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create link directories. It provides features for listing and categorizing websites, managing submissions, and search functionality. Link Directory Pro is a suitable solution for creating web-based directories.


HivePress is an open-source platform for building directory websites, including app directories. It provides customizable templates, user submissions, search functionality, and monetization options. HivePress offers a flexible and extendable solution for creating various types of directory websites.


Atlas is a directory and listings theme for WordPress. It offers customizable templates, search functionality, user submissions, and map integration.

Ideal Directories:

Ideal Directories is a directory software that allows you to create and manage online directories with ease. It offers features such as customizable templates, user submissions, search functionality, and monetization options. Ideal Directories provides a comprehensive solution for building various types of directories, including business directories, service directories, and more.

Brilliant Directories:

Brilliant Directories is a robust directory software that empowers you to build and maintain professional directory websites. It provides a range of features such as customizable templates, advanced search options, user reviews, ratings, and payment integration. With its intuitive interface and extensive customization options, Brilliant Directories enables you to create powerful and visually appealing directory websites.


Directorist is a feature-rich directory plugin for WordPress that simplifies the process of creating directory websites. It offers customizable templates, advanced search functionality, user submissions, and monetization options. Directorist provides a user-friendly and flexible solution for building directories of various types, including business directories, job boards, and more.


eDirectory is a comprehensive directory software that allows you to create and manage online directories efficiently. It offers customizable templates, user submissions, advanced search capabilities, and payment integration. eDirectory provides a scalable solution for building directories in diverse industries, such as real estate, events, and local business directories.


Templatic is a directory theme and plugin provider for WordPress. It offers a collection of directory themes and plugins with customizable templates, advanced search functionality, user submissions, and monetization options. Templatic provides a range of options to create various types of directories, including business directories, classifieds, and more.


MarketGrabber is a directory software solution that enables you to create niche-specific directories. It provides features such as customizable templates, search functionality, user submissions, and payment integration. MarketGrabber offers a specialized solution for creating directories in specific industries, such as auto, real estate, and employment.

Online Member Directory:

Online Member Directory is a software solution designed for creating and managing member directories. It provides features such as customizable member profiles, search functionality, user submissions, and communication tools. Online Member Directory is ideal for associations, organizations, and communities looking to create an online directory of their members.

List of directory plugins in wordpress

Certainly! Here’s a list of directory plugins for WordPress:

  1. GeoDirectory: GeoDirectory is a comprehensive directory plugin that allows you to create location-based directories. It provides features such as advanced search, user reviews, ratings, and customizable templates.
  2. Business Directory Plugin: Business Directory Plugin is a popular directory plugin for WordPress. It offers a range of features including listing management, payment integration, front-end submission, and customizable directory templates.
  3. Sabai Directory: Sabai Directory is a feature-rich directory plugin that provides advanced search functionality, interactive map integration, ratings, and user reviews. It offers customization options and supports various listing types.
  4. Connections Business Directory: Connections Business Directory is a flexible and extensible directory plugin. It offers features like customizable templates, front-end submission, categories, tags, and Google Maps integration.
  5. Directorist: Directorist is a powerful directory plugin that enables you to create various directory websites, including app directories. It provides customizable templates, search functionality, user reviews, and advanced filtering options.
  6. Simple Directory: Simple Directory is a lightweight directory plugin that allows you to create a basic directory with customizable templates, categories, and listings. It’s a straightforward option for simple directory websites.
  7. Name Directory: Name Directory is a directory plugin specifically designed for creating people directories. It offers features like profile pages, user submissions, custom fields, and search functionality.
  8. Connections Business Directory – CSV Import: This extension plugin works in conjunction with the Connections Business Directory plugin. It allows you to import listings into your directory using CSV files, making it easier to manage large directories.
  9. Web 2.0 Directory: Web 2.0 Directory is a powerful directory plugin that supports various listing types, customizable templates, Google Maps integration, and front-end submission. It offers features suitable for different directory websites.
  10. CM Business Directory: CM Business Directory is a versatile directory plugin that provides customizable templates, front-end submission, search functionality, and user reviews. It offers additional features like monetization options and recurring payments.

List of directory plugins in joomla

  1. DJ-Classifieds: DJ-Classifieds is a popular directory extension for Joomla. It allows you to create different types of directories, including app directories. It offers features such as customizable fields, search functionality, user submissions, and paid listings.
  2. SobiPro: SobiPro is a versatile directory component for Joomla. It provides a framework for building and managing directories with customizable fields, categories, and user submissions. It offers extensive customization options and supports various directory types.
  3. EasySocial: EasySocial is a social networking extension for Joomla that can be used to create directory-like websites. It provides features for user profiles, connections, and user-generated content, making it suitable for creating social directories.
  4. Mosets Tree: Mosets Tree is a directory extension for Joomla that allows you to create organized and hierarchical directories. It offers features such as customizable fields, categories, and search functionality. It can be used for various types of directories, including app directories.
  5. J-BusinessDirectory: J-BusinessDirectory is a comprehensive directory extension for Joomla. It provides features for creating various types of directories, including app directories. It offers customizable fields, search functionality, user submissions, and paid listings.
  6. JoomDirectory: JoomDirectory is a directory component for Joomla that offers features for creating and managing directories. It provides customizable templates, search functionality, categories, and user submissions.
  7. JReviews: JReviews is a powerful review and directory extension for Joomla. It allows you to create directories with user reviews, ratings, and customizable fields. It offers advanced search functionality, categories, and user submissions.
  8. K2: K2 is a flexible content management system extension for Joomla that can be utilized to create directory-like websites. It provides features for creating and managing custom content types, categories, and tags, making it suitable for building directories.
  9. JoomD: JoomD is a directory component for Joomla that allows you to create and manage directories. It provides features such as customizable fields, search functionality, and user submissions.
  10. JoomlArt’s JA Directory: JA Directory is a directory extension by JoomlArt that enables you to create directories with customizable fields, categories, and search functionality. It offers various customization options and supports different directory types.
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