Are you thinking about how to find a best Thai restaurants and where you’ll get a best Thai food , here are most popular Thai restaurants in Pune where you’ll get desirable authentic Thai food .
Below is the list of most popular Thai restaurants in Pune:
# | Restaurants | Location | Map | Contact no | Google reviews | Zomato reviews | iReviewed ratings |
1 | Shizusan Viman Nagar | Nagar Rd UG-65, Viman Nagar, Pune 411014 | Click here | 02066890401 | 4.2/5(1,580) reviews | 4.6/5(1,687) reviews | 4.1/5 ratings |
2 | Baan Tao | Hyatt Pine, 88, Nagar Rd, Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411006 | Click here | 08806751234 | 4.3/5(478) reviews | 4.5/5(780) reviews | 4.0/5 ratings |
3 | Thai House’s Kitchen | Raviraj Heritage, Shop No 1&2, Aundh IT Park, Bopodi, Pune 410020 | Click here | 09822517975 | 4.1/5(675) reviews | 4/5(344) reviews | 3.9/5 ratings |
4 | Kimchi | Sambhaji Nagar, Kharadi,Pune 411014 | Click here | 08087988988 | 4.0/5(1,849) reviews | 4.4/5(2,4210 reviews | 4.2/5 reviews |
5 | Krabi Town-The Oriental Restaurant | Shop no 10, Surya Apartment, NIMB Post Office Rd, Pune 411048 | Click here | 08446604007 | 3.9/5(428) reviews | 4.1/5(479) reviews | 3.5/5 reviews |
Shizusan Viman Nagar
- Location: Nagar Rd UG-65, Viman Nagar, Pune 411014
- Contact no. 02066890401
- Name of the Place: Sizusan Viman Nagar
- Service options:Delivery, Takeaway, Dine-in
- Health and safety: Reservation is needed, Mask needed, Temperature check is ,mandatory
- Accessibility: Wheelchair-accessible entrance, Wheelchair-accessible seating
- Offerings: Vegetarian options
- Dining options: Lunch, Dinner, Desert
- Atmosphere: Casual, Cosy, Romantic
- Payment and policies: Mobile wallets
- Type of Place: Pan- Asian Restaurant
- Opening hour: 11AM-11PM
- Average Cost for 2 People: 1,600 for 2 people(approx.) without alcohol
iReviewed Remarks
- Quality of food: Very nice
- Taste of food: Very nice
- Presentation of food: Very nice
- Sizusan Viman Nagar Waiter Response: Kind and sweet
iReviewed recommendation: Food is nice , good ambience, nice place to visit.

Baan Tao
- Location: Hyatt Pune, 88, Nagar Rd, Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411006
- Contact no. 08806751234
- Name of the Place: Baan Tao
- Service options: Delivery, Takeaway, Dine-in
- Health and safety: Mask needed, Temperature check is mandatory
- Accessibility: Wheelchair –accessible entrance
- Offerings: Alcohol, Cocktails, All you can eat, Wine, Late-night food
- Dining options: Dinner, desert
- Atmosphere: Cosy, Romantic
- Payment and policies: Mobile wallets
- Type of Place: Pan-Asian Restaurant
- Opening hour: 12:30-3:30PM
- Average Cost for 2 People: 3,000 for 2 people(approx.) without alcohol
iReviewed Remarks
- Quality of food: Very nice
- Taste of food: Very nice
- Presentation of food: Very nice
- Baan Tao Waiter Response: Kind and gentle
iReviewed recommendation: Beautiful ambience ,delicious and authentic Thai food.

Thai House’s Kitchen
- Location: Raviraj Heritage, Shop No 1&2, Bopodi, Pune 410020
- Contact no. 09822517975
- Name of the Place: Thai House’s Kitchen
- Service options: Delivery, Takeaway, Dine-in
- Health and safety: Reservation is mandatory, Mask needed
- Offerings: Vegetarian options
- Dining options: Lunch, Dinner
- Atmosphere: Casual, Cosy
- Payment and policies: Debit cards, Google pay
- Type of Place: Thai Restaurant
- Opening hour: 6-10:45PM
- Average Cost for 2 People: 1,000 for 2 people( approx.)
iReviewed Remarks
- Quality of food:Very nice
- Taste of food: Very nice
- Presentation of food: Very nice
- Thai House’s Kitchen Waiter Response: Friendly
iReviewed recommendation: Nice restaurant, authentic Thai cuisine with lip smacking food.

- Location: Sambhaji Nagar, Kharadi, Pune 411014
- Contact no. 08087988988
- Name of the Place: Kimchi
- Service and options: Delivery, Takeaway, Dine-in
- Offerings: Healthy options, Vegetarian options, Late-night food
- Dining options: Desert
- Atmosphere: Casual , Cosy
- Payment and policies: Mobile Wallets
- Type of Place: Chinese restaurant
- Opening hour:11AM-11PM
- Average Cost for 2 People: 800 for 2 people(approx.)
iReviewed Remarks
- Quality of food: Very nice
- Taste of food: Very nice
- Presentation of food: Very nice
- Kimchi Waiter Response: Friendly and kind
iReviewed recommendation: Cosy and nice place, perfect Thai cuisine ,delicious food.

Krabi Town- The Oriental Restaurant
- Location: Shop no 10, Surya Apartment, NIMB Post Office Rd, Pune 411048
- Contact no. 08446604007
- Name of the Place: Krabi Town- The Oriental Restaurant
- Service options: Delivery, Takeaway, Dine-in
- Atmosphere: Casual
- Payment and policies: Debit cards
- Type of Place: Southeast Asian Restaurant
- Opening hour: 7-11PM
- Average Cost for 2 People: 700 for 2 people (approx.)
iReviewed Remarks
- Quality of food: Very nice
- Taste of food: Very nice
- Presentation of food: Very nice
- Krabi Town Waiter Response: Kind and humble
iReviewed recommendation: Tasty food ,fast service, astounding restaurant

Frequently asked questions
What is the speciality of Thai food?
Its heaped palate make each cuisine perceive totally special.
What is the most well-liked Thai food?
The most well-liked Thai food is Thai style fried noodles, Spicy Shrimp soup ,etc,.
Why Thai food is so prominent?
Thai food is one of the most well-liked and favoured cuisine in the globe because of its
distinctive and brawny relish.
What is the forte of these restaurants?
Basically these restaurants are good at each an everything, these all restaurants provides best service to their customer.
These restaurants are best for outing .
Yes , these restaurants are best for outing and here you can also spend a good time with your friends , families and with your love ones.